Products containing this ingredient:
Dried cotyledons of Cola nitida and Cola acuminata. Family Serculacea.
* Caffeine and theobromine
* Enzymes
* An alkaloid
The Kola tree of both species can grow up to 40ft high. The tree of Cola nitida is more valued for its wood, which is useful for carpentry, furniture and boat building. The wood has a whitish appearance with a pink tinge when fresh. The seed of this tree (also called the nut) is used for its medicinal benefits. The part containing all the nutrients for the seed (the cotyledon) is red-brown with a fleshy feel. It has an oblong irregular shape, convex on one side and flattened on the other. It can be up to 2.5 cm in diameter.
The nuts are used as diuretic (promotes urine production), stimulant (combats lethargy), cardiac tonic (improves the heart function), astringent (has a binding effect on tissues) and anti-depressive (treats depression). Kola extracts are an ingredient of many tonics for depression, tiredness and to stimulate the appetite
Stimulant to higher brain centres, mood elevating and antidepressive. Mild diuretic. Cardioactive and mildly stimulating.
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